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Everything You Need to Know About Ketamine

If you’ve heard about ketamine before, it’s probably because the drug has a long-standing history of being abused in the club scene. However, in more recent times, Ketamine is being used via infusion and intranasal spray for treating many medical conditions such as depression, PTSD, OCD and management of chronic pain syndromes.

How could one drug hold such promise and risk? The answer is found in how ketamine effects the human brain.

Think of ketamine like a flash mob, it temporarily takes over certain chemical receptors in the brain. In some instances, and with medical supervision, this can be an extraordinary thing. However, if the line is cross, it can result in big issues.

Knocking Out Pain

Ketamine was first used as an anesthetic in the 1960s on soldiers in the Vietnam war.  It’s been proven that at lower doses, ketamine can help alleviate pain and many people don’t need to use addictive opiate painkiller after surgery or while receiving burn treatment.

When it is misused, ketamine can alter a person’s sense of sight and sounds. A person can experience hallucinations and feel out of touch with their surroundings. While under the sedating effects of ketamine, a person could find it hard to speak or move, it’s also been used as a date rape drug for these reasons.

Ketamine as an Antidepressant:

Being able to effectively treat severe, treatment-resistant depression is a challenge faced by many doctors.

Researchers are currently studying whether ketamine could help people who are suffering from severe depression, such as people who have tried to commit suicide, people whose depression isn’t responding to traditional treatment and those who have been hospitalized.

The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t approve ketamine for depression treatment. Some psychiatrists are using ketamine on an experimental basis with their patients who suffer from severe depression.

In these studies, patients with severe depression typically get ketamine via intravenous infusion or through an intranasal spray once a week, in a clinic under medical supervision. In some cases, people experience an ease in depression symptoms within a couple of hours.

Results of ketamine studies have been varying, but in some of them most people who have tried the drug have gotten better. In other studies, fewer participants were helped.

The goal of studying ketamine for severe depression treatment is to find a dose that’s large enough to relieve depression, but small enough to avoid any potential side effects.

Will Ketamine Work and Be Safe for Severe Depression Treatment?

Scientists don’t know if ketamine will be approved for depression treatment and cannot say if there will be any unsafe long-term effects. If the results of current studies show ketamine does alleviate depression and the FDA approves it for treating patients, it could be ready for use in about 3-5 years.  Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health agrees and stated, “Recent data suggests that ketamine, given intravenously, might be the most important breakthrough in antidepressant treatment in decades.”

Cumberland MD Suboxone Doctor Can Prescribe the Drug that Saves Lives

In the United States, it is illegal for a doctor to prescribe opiates to treat addiction in a treatment program setting. In 2000, the U.S. passed a law that gave permission to physicians to apply for a waiver or special permission to use Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications such as suboxone for treating opiate addiction in their office. A Cumberland MD suboxone doctor can prescribe the medication needed for opiate addicts recover and become clean.

Is a Cumberland MD Suboxone Doctor the Only One Able to Prescribe Suboxone?

Only a physician who has a special Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license can legally prescribe Suboxone. These kinds of doctors are assigned a special number, called an “X” number, to be used specifically in prescriptions of suboxone to treat opiate addiction. Suboxone can be abused, it is a schedule III drug, meaning that the DEA rates the abuse and diversion potential as high.

How Can a Doctor Become Licensed to Prescribe Suboxone?

Physicians who are licensed to prescribe suboxone have to take an 8-hour training course about the nature of opiate addiction, the pharmacology of buprenorphine and how to safely prescribe it. Or, if a doctor is already certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine or the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatrists, they can be considered for an “X” number. Our Cumberland MD suboxone doctor is licensed and trained to prescribe the drug and we only work with highly skilled and knowledgeable medical practitioners.

medical marijuana for ptsd

Biztip fully supports medical marijuana as an alternative to opiate pain killers.

How Can a Suboxone Doctor Help You?

Our Cumberland suboxone doctor can help you do two things, change your life and give you the medication-assisted treatment to become clean. While you may think you have to go through your journey to recovery alone, you don’t. You can call our treatment program today and start taking the steps towards the clean future you’re dreaming about.

Our Cumberland Suboxone Clinic Offers Healing for Opiate Addiction

By proudly serving the Cumberland, MD area, our suboxone clinic provides people who are struggling with opiate addiction the ability to recover. Many people have heard of suboxone, but still don’t know what the medication is used for and how it works for addiction treatment. We invite you to read on and find out everything you need to know about suboxone and medication-assisted treatment.

How Does Suboxone Work and is it Safe?

As a partial opiate agonist, suboxone contains a mixture of naloxone and buprenorphine. The medication is given to people who are trying to stop using opiates. Buprenorphine reduces cravings for opiates and diminishes withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone is an opiate agonist, so it neutralizes the effects of opiates on the body. When someone takes suboxone, they will experience freedom from opiate cravings and a reduction of withdrawal symptoms.

Extensive research has proven suboxone to be safe and effective when it is taken as prescribed and when used as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opiate addiction.

How Effective is Suboxone Treatment?

Medical research has confirmed the safety and effectiveness of suboxone, our clinic in Cumberland uses the medication because we’ve seen the success people have when using it. Those who have been prescribed suboxone have reported a lessening in withdrawal symptoms and cravings, which makes it a better alternative than methadone, in some cases. Should someone attempt to misuse suboxone by taking a higher dose than usual, they won’t experience the same euphoric high that’s felt when taking other opiates such as heroin, Vicodin or OxyContin.

medical marijuana for ptsd

Biztip fully supports medical marijuana as an alternative to opiate pain killers.

How Can You Receive MAT from a Cumberland Suboxone Clinic?

We understand how horrible opiate addiction can make your life and how desperate you are to stop using. By speaking with our Cumberland suboxone clinic doctor, you can determine if the medication is the appropriate route of recovering from your opiate addiction. When it’s included as part of a person’s medication-assisted treatment plan, suboxone gives people the mental clarity and dedication needed to focus on and complete the recovery process.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy for PTSD Patients Shows Promise

Ketamine Treatment for PTSD

Normally, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is usually associated with military veterans, the VA will be the first to admit it is not just limited to current and former service men and women. The Veteran’s Administration estimates approximately 8 percent of all Americans will struggle with PTSD during their lives. While medical science has been working on treatment options, it is a difficult disorder to understand and treat.

What are the Symptoms of PTSD?

The symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, hypervigilance, flashbacks, hyperarousal and depression. Suffering from PTSD can be debilitating, which is why it can be so difficult to treat. New research has shown ketamine can successfully treat depression and it can eliminate the terrifying memories people carry.

Ketamine for PTSD Symptoms

There’s evidence to suggest a single dose of ketamine given to a person one week before a traumatic event could prevent the development of PTSD. Many people who have been diagnosed with the disorder have had little to no success with current treatment options. Others with PTSD could benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy and medications.

Ketamine Study

Dennis Charney, a psychiatrist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai tested ketamine as a treatment during clinical trials for depression, suicidality, and PTSD in the past.

Charney stated, “The results have been incredible. In depression, we found the drug could help patients get better in a matter of hours. Nobody believed it could be replicated. But it was. And we’ve seen the same thing with PTSD and suicidal feelings. That work in now being replicated. So, using it in a preventative, it sounds like it would be unbelievable. But you never know. The idea is fascinating. And we’d certainly like to test the hypothesis in humans to see whether giving the drug before a stressor could prevent the detrimental effects of that stressor.”

medical marijuana for ptsd

Biztip fully supports medical marijuana as an alternative to opiate pain killers.


Denny said the initial work is preliminary and there are still many questions left to be answered. The question remains whether treating PTSD preventatively is even possible, and whether it is practical. If medical researchers can help people avoid developing PTSD, it would be useful in helping these kinds of mental issues. With more time and research, scientists may have the opportunity to really make a difference in the lives of people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

FDA Approves First Cannabis-Derived Drugs

The Food and Drug Administration now approves medical marijuana! On Monday, June 25th, 2018, Epidiolex was approved for treating Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, two rare types of pediatric epilepsy.

Oral CBD

The oral solution of Epidiolex contains cannabidiol or CBD, which is a non-psychoactive compound that’s proven to be beneficial in reducing the number of catastrophic, potentially deadly seizures which come with both Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndomes.

During the clinical trials, children with Dravet syndrome received Epidiolex and had a reduction in seizures by 39%. Children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome saw a 37% decrease in the number of seizures.

In a statement released with Monday’s announcement, the Food and Drug Administration added that it is not signing off on the safety or medical utility of marijuana, just this one particular compound and only for the use in treating the two pediatric seizure disorders.

Outcome of Study

The drug will be available to patients all across the U.S., not only limited to states where cannabis is legal for medical reasons.

While there was some initial hesitation about whether the DEA would block the sale of Epidiolex, given cannabis’ status as a schedule I substance, GW Pharmaceuticals, the drugs’ manufacturer doesn’t believe that will happen.

Steve Fox, the director of VS Strategies, retained by GW Pharmaceuticals to handle media and public relations, said, “The DEA will not prevent Epidiolex from being sold. The role of the DEA at this point is to be involved in determining the appropriate schedule for Epidiolex. But as far as I understand it, they don’t even have the power to block it at this point. They just determine what schedule it will be.”

medical marijuana baltimore mdFuture Outlook:

For advocates of medical marijuana, the FDA approval of Epidiolex is a vindication of a decades long movement. Advocates would like to see cannabis be recognized for legitimate medical applications and it isn’t the horrible bad drug the federal government has been lauding it to be.

Senate Panel Approves a Bill Protecting Medical Marijuana

On Thursday, June 14, 2018, the US Senate Appropriations Committee approved language that protects medical marijuana operations.

The language which is a part of the Senate commerce, justice and science appropriations bill will block the Justice Department from targeting users or providers of medical marijuana in states where it is legalized.

A similar measure passed in the House’s version of the bill, which was also passed in committee.

What Do Providers in the Cannabis Industry Think?

Aaron Smith, the executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, states,” Once again, members of Congress have signaled that protecting state-legal medical cannabis is no longer a controversial issue.”

Quinnipiac University released data from a poll conducted in April of 2018 which showed 93 percent of voters supported medical marijuana, while only 5 percent of people were against it.

Similar provisions have been enacted since 2014, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been an unyielding force in efforts to legalize marijuana.

The Future of Medical Marijuana

In January of 2018, Sessions rolled back an Obama-era law that had provided states with more freedom in determining the extent of legal use.

Last month, the House Appropriations Committee adopted the medical marijuana protections via a voice vote. Due to the language being in both chambers, it is probably going to wind up in the final Fiscal Year 2019 appropriations bill sent to President Trump later in 2018.

If the language passes, it protects the people complying with state medical marijuana laws from federal harassment until at least September 2019.

Last week, the Senate appropriations panel passed an amendment to approve military veterans to receive medical marijuana through their US Department of Veterans Affairs physician.

With time and more legislation, it’s the hope of medical marijuana dispensaries and physicians that federal laws will loosen, and it will become legal in all states and available to the people who need it most.

Local Suboxone Clinics in Baltimore, MD

Local Suboxone Clinics in Baltimore

Local suboxone clinics in Baltimore use medication-assisted drug treatment to help people beat their addictions to heroin and other opiates. For many addicts, it can be challenging and frightening to think about receiving treatment for an opiate addiction, but it’s important to realize these clinics change lives every day. We welcome you to visit our website at transformedlivesmd.com to read up on who we are, what we do and what we promise to do for you.

How will choose between all the local suboxone clinics in Baltimore?

When you are ready to pick a suboxone clinic out of the many local suboxone clinics in Baltimore, we urge you to consider our program. We work with only the top treatment specialists in the state and our doctors are all licensed and trained to prescribe suboxone. Our clients mean the world to us and no matter how much you may think your opiate addiction is permanent, we can promise you it’s not.

What should you expect from medication-assisted drug treatment?

When you elect medication-assisted drug treatment, our doctor will screen you to get an idea of your overall health and an addiction history. Our doctor will know how to dispense the medication properly and we will monitor our patient through each phase of recovery, until such a time the person is totally and completely free of opiate dependence.

Please Trust Us for Your Recovery!

If you’ve been struggling to get clean from an opiate addiction and feel as though all hope is lost, please don’t let yourself continue down this horrible path. There are many local suboxone clinics in Baltimore you can visit, but they’re not us!

We believe you can have a happier, healthier, drug-free future and we firmly feel with our medication-assisted treatment, it can happen. If you’re ready to stop using drugs, but are unsure of where you can get help, please call our program right now—it’s the best thing you can ever do for your future. If you are looking for local suboxone clinics in Baltimore, Biztip can help you. We have multiple clinics and suboxone doctors, all of which accept Medicaid.

Subutex Tablets Help People Beat Heroin Addiction

Subutex tablets are used as a part of medical, psychological and social treatment program for people who are dependent on opiates like heroin, codeine, hydrocodone and morphine. The medication is used to help people beat their drug addiction and at our program, we employ a licensed suboxone doctor who can prescribe Subutex as well.

What’s in Subutex?

Subutex contains the active ingredient buprenorphine. The tablet acts as a substitute for opiates and it helps someone go through withdrawal via a gradual tapering down. Subutex should only be taken exactly as it is prescribed by a licensed medical doctor who has been specially trained and certified by the FDA.

subutex baltimore marylandAre There People Who Can’t Take Subutex Tablets?

There are certain people who are not able to take Subutex tablets and these include the following:

  • Someone under the age of 16 years old.
  • People who allergic to buprenorphine or to any of the ingredients in the medication.
  • If a person has serious breathing issues.
  • If a person has serious liver issues or if a doctor detects the development of a problem, like this during treatment.
  • If a person is intoxicated due to central nervous system medications, alcohol or delirium tremens.
  • If a person is pregnant or becomes pregnant during Subutex treatment.
  • If a person is breastfeeding.

What Should You Know Before Starting Subutex Tablets?

You should never drink or take medications containing alcohol while being under treatment with Subutex tablets. Nobody has to remain addicted to opiates because there are choices they can to change the course of their future. Please don’t be afraid to take a chance to on our program, because we believe in our services, we can help you and we know what it takes to show you the road to a clean and sober life

Certified Suboxone Doctor in Baltimore Offers Effective Treatment

One method of treating opiate addiction is through using the services of a licensed suboxone doctor in Baltimore. Congress passed a law allowing certain specially-trained physicians who are licensed to prescribe suboxone to treat up to 300 patients simultaneously. We provide this service to people who are addicted to heroin, morphine and other opiate-based painkillers.

What does our suboxone doctor in Baltimore offer?

Not only does our detox program offer medication-assisted opiate addiction treatment, we provide other services as well. We offer same-day appointments, we are 100% patient focused, always, and we provide safe, effective treatment that’s designed to work. We proudly offer suboxone treatment because we believe it is the best option for treating opiate addiction and it gives a person the greatest possible foundation for healing.

Our suboxone treatment process:

New patients are scheduled for an appointment as soon as possible and should be in the beginning stages of withdrawal. The first appointment is about an hour long and a patient is given the chance to meet our suboxone doctor in Baltimore, ask any questions and learn the guidelines of our program. Extensive research studies have determined suboxone is a safe and effective way of treating opiate addiction, but only when it is administered in a medication-assisted treatment program.

Is treatment suboxone treatment effective?

Those who are suffering from an opiate addiction and in need of help are welcome to come visit our program and learn about who we are. It’s important to be comfortable in your choice of a suboxone doctor in Baltimore, because you must be confident and assured to have the best possible chance at recovering.

If you or someone you love is addicted to opiates and wishes to change the course of your life, please contact our Suboxone treatment center in Baltimore today for further assistance.

Does Buprenorphine Treatment Work?

Buprenorphine treatment is usually used to help people recover from opiate addiction. The drug is used to help someone battle against the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms caused by opiate cessation and it also paves the path for someone to start the recovery process. Just like with any sort of drug, buprenorphine should only be used as prescribed and taken only when dispensed and supervised by a trained medical doctor.

What is Buprenorphine Used For?

Buprenorphine is also known by the name suboxone and the drug is used in medication-assisted (MAT) drug treatment for opiate addiction. During detox, a person will be provided the medication to stop withdrawal discomfort and to prevent relapse once a they have become clean. Using MAT allows a person to work through the physical aspects of addiction and in time, the psychological elements can be addressed.

How Does Buprenorphine Treatment Work?

In order for buprenorphine treatment to be successful, a person will need to visit a suboxone clinic for an assessment. A licensed suboxone doctor will ask a person questions to find out what types of drugs they’ve been abusing and to get a good idea of the extent of addiction going on. A doctor will monitor a patient throughout the treatment process to ensure a person is going through it safely and the medication is working effectively. The medication works by controlling cravings, eliminating withdrawal discomfort and allowing a person to experience the joys of being clean.

How We Can Help You Find Treatment

Our doctors are qualified to prescribe buprenorphine and they accept private medical insurance, as well as state Medicaid. Each buprenorphine treatment center is different, but the methods, structure and processes are all similar and have the same goal of helping someone become clean. If you wish to find out more information about who we are and what services we offer, please contact our program today to discuss how our detox program can change your life.